Peter Larkin

Trees as Lived

(Some Retorting Legends) (2022)

PLANT PERSPECTIVES 1/1 - 2024: 221–225

doi: 10.3197/whppp.63845494909716

Open Access CC BY 4.0 © The Author

capital letter A with leaf decoration massive vanishing that remnants not finding their displacement haunt the native sacrilege

until flushes of niche frequent the canopy

Well-confined islands, common colonisers

small stands against no other woodworld

how bark wedges itself onto humanscape

Essential projection if trees are to become ancient

few insistences slower than old trees

Accrued niching at bodged clearances

an irreplaceable is sapping human speeds

Invasive afforestation, lodge it with pines, engross the uplands

nothing sparse about the correctness offered its pole pressure

Any tree-total upland is tireless, swathed in indurate spoil, horizontal furling, sitka comprehensives

Geometric blots, felled or poisoned for exotic replant

locust years (yields) leaching the ancient woods

simplest shapes pay on distant funds

Too young for wildwood or semi-ancient remnant, squarely a distinctive teeming?

Are there any late promises for these plants?

Saplings holed-in graduate no forests

busily enmeshed in an unremoved unthrived network

Tree damage itself key stowage for curdling the web, such reinforced threads strung into repointing their breach marks

drag an incantation across its ecological ceiling

As emergent trees chip out our repression creases

create a city of their markings as remission of seize

As hedgerow commutes, clump replete, seeking a rate of tree outside the woods

surviving as timber, reviving in pollard

serves (calls at) what is no longer husbanded

stitched by us, patched by nature

tab-edges between the farmed slabs: however a woodful additive, befits shelter

cracks and edgelands a justified elsewhere, filtering in the midst of

dilating like for like

Homicidal air locks onto trees, at net weight of carbon

strict riddance of forest in blossoming streetly aside

Block planting at its default position

equity is most of the least, ensuing scarce verticals

farming tree as public good/s

urban forest retrofit

As the generic cellulose factory speaks cheap land, locality deficit, less a neighbourhood than its own notionals

Then to scatter a copse at its join-ups, the more social its scarcities, the more frond-like its secretions

The empty song-shock of not encountering a tree

forest echoes follow the flatter rumble of baffled townscape

Life isn’t muted enough to faint before all its details, leaf-lendings, edge-plummets

A quotient of symbols as altered image, the danger-range of emphatic statics

Hint of oak roof is marking with suburban spraint, there was always sufficient hutting until the wooden became its own excess structures

No rougher supertide than a surface’s reverie of buried conservation, striating its dust

live chainsaw culture climbing trees, an impactive speckling of species

Walk a grove through a welter of woodland

where arrivals are monitored and wrapped

newly aproned into extension

Play wild lime where it stood

a scarred towards, a lesser as at last forewarned

Stunted, instantiated, post-solo stress redolent of trees at rest

Expressive forest at the toe of ancient tree

a tumble of assent, assignation, reception, within a single throw

Pervaded (circuited) before any surface annunciation, the eruption event then has no need to break out for cover

What is the character that enters a wood as that wood’s own unsown persona?

then ranged, assailed, at every available tree-height

Take a cut from forests flourishing?

the languishing clearfell furniture

until the woods fulfil different weeds

Buffeting and sinking woods where graspable

to relieve their core interior, rebestow their corridor files

What else might haunt trees other than our epic scale?

as forest sores to carbon stores

Grown as if (to be) last, it escapades its own exhaustion

What stunts at the figures of juicy trees, a sap of all surges at the stripped bark

Compact browsing forever ankle-high, a taste of arrested development, perpetual self-identical renewal, surrender of the reach

Tender green argues specific pasts, tests (grains) the subtler proofs

if any web of causation stands to every least consequence

A barrage of stress, that it rubs out puckers of instress, knotty intrication not yet couplings, underseam ripples

Leave at its loneness how hollow trunk synchronises with stag head

woods continue their cycle on the most difficult ground

There is an increment how trees are put by for a decade, a quota of anterior consideration, narrative of a rerooting at loss

Not every wood needs a great habitat industry dense and dark may shed some diversity but go pastoral at the edges of asperity

The worn scrub its own exhaust against super-use turbulent garb

Proforest, entire sports of tree initiative

instinctive gaps, continuous interlude: or implanted tree would already be on its damage slant

Silvo-arable, silvo-pastoral, alley-cropping beside browsing blocks ahead of the retro-planted, its surrounding seed sources

At a stitch of tree entwine the shoots of local faction, itself a decompaction

Landscape services redesired, as recompiled under unequivalent trees

Closest vent at the tree-closet, its breathed leaf at more than singles

attributed particles it signals

Expand if it thins

more diverse onto its adjacencies, distinctive assemblages, these effigies invoke a healing parody, prayer-rooms of nested induction

for the urging climate, aspen, oak, hornbeam, lime

Peter Larkin contributed to The Ground Aslant: an Anthology of Radical Landscape Poetry, ed. Harriet Tarlo (2011). A symposium on his work was held at Warwick University (UK) in 2018, the proceedings of which appeared in the Journal of British & Irish Innovative Poetry. Among recent collections are Trees Before Abstinent Ground  (2019) and Encroach to Resume (2021). A set of 100 two- to three-line poems, Sounds Between Trees appeared in 2022 from Guillemot Press. His newest collection is If Trees Allay an Earth Retrialling (Shearsman, 2023).